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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Best hidden windows secret command line tricks

The Command Prompt aka cmd is one of the core components of the Microsoft Windows OS. It is also one of the most useful parts of Windows. It lets you perform several tasks which cannot be accomplished easily using the GUI. In fact, it won’t be an exaggeration if we call it the real Control Panel of Windows. Despite its significance, many Windows users are still unaware about most of its powerful features. Therefore, we deemed it appropriate to list the Top 10 cmd tricks every Windows user MUST know !!!

#1 Abort a running command

Did you know you can stop a command running in the Command Prompt before it completes its task? Well, you can do this by pressing Ctrl + Cduring the execution of the command.

#2 Save the output of a command to a file

Sometimes you may need to save the output of a command to a file for future reference, or maybe for posting it in some forum for getting help from others regarding the error(s) displayed in the output of that command. You can do this easily by typing <command> “>” (without quotes) followed by a filename after the command you’re going to execute.
For example, ipconfig /all > codingsec.txt

#3 Copy the output of a command to clipboard

To copy the output of a command to clipboard instead of saving it to a file, you can type <command> | clip
For example, ipconfig /all | clip

#4 Run multiple commands simultaneously

Did you know you could execute multiple commands simultaneously? No? In that case, you have been missing a great functionality of the Command Prompt. You can run multiple commands at the same time using “&&” (without quotes) between two commands and pressing Enter. The command on the left will be executed first, followed by the next command, and so on.
For example, dir && ipconfig /all

#5 Use Autocomplete while typing the location of directory or file

Did you ever have to the location of a directory like “D:\Projects\Opengl\wincodebits\Rotating cube\Debug” in the Command Prompt? If you did, you definitely know how annoying it is !!! But you need not worry anymore  We have a solution for your problem. You can use the Autocomplete feature of Command Prompt. Here’s how to do this :
Say you’re in the drive D: and you need to navigate to D:\Projects\Opengl\wincodebits\Rotating cube\Debug.
Normally, you’d type this : cd Projects\Opengl\wincodebits\Rotating cube\Debug
However, you can just type cd and the rest can be navigated using the TAB key. Try this – type cd and then press the TAB key until the name of the desired directory shows up next to cd. Then type \ and again keep pressing TAB until the desired directory comes up. Keep doing this, until you have reached your destination and press Enter.

#6 View a navigable list of all the commands recently used by you

The Command Prompt stores a list of all the commands used by you recently i.e. in the current cmd session. You can view a navigable and selectable list of recently used commands i.e. you can navigate up and down in that list and select one of those commands. You can do this by pressing the F7 key.
Now, you can select text using the left-button of the mouse and press the Enter key and paste it anywhere in the cmd window by clicking the right mouse button.
If you don’t want to enable QuickEdit, you can still copy/paste text. However, the process would be a little inconvenient. You’ll have to right-click inside the cmd window and select Mark from the pop-up menu. Then, select the text and press Enter. Now, right-click again and select Pastefrom the pop-up menu.

#7 Run cmd as admin without using the mouse

There are several commands that require the Administrator’s privilege. For running these commands, you need to run cmd as administrator. However, right-clicking the cmd.exe file and selecting Run as Administratorfrom the list is highly inconvenient. We can help you make cmd run with Administrator’s privileges everytime without using the mouse. There are two ways to do this:
a) Type cmd in the Start Menu’s search box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
b) Create a shortcut of cmd. Right click the shortcut file and click on Properties. Under the Shortcut tab, click on the button named Advanced. A new dialog box appears. Check the checkbox labelled Run as Administrator and Click OK. Click OK again to close the PropertiesWindow of the shortcut. Now, whenever you want to open a command prompt window with administrator’s privileges, you’ll have to only double-click this shortcut.

#8 Use function keys in the Command Prompt

The function keys play a significant role in Windows. For example, you know that F1 shows Windows Help, F2is used to rename files and folders, F3 is used to search for files and folders and so on. But did you know that these function keys play a very useful role in the Command Prompt as well? Perhaps not. Here, we’ve listed the function keys that work in the Command Prompt as well as the task they perform :
a) F1 – It pastes the command that was last executed by the Command Prompt, one character at a time.
For example, if the last command was dir, you’ll have to press F1 three times because dir has three characters.
b) F2 – It pastes the command that was last executed by the Command Prompt, however, it asks you to enter a character upto which you want to paste the command.
For example, if the last command was ipconfig /displaydns and you press d after pressing F2, the Command prompt will paste ipconfig / i.e. it will paste all characters before d.
c) F3 – It pastes the last executed command (the whole command).
For example, if the last command was ipconfig /displaydns and you press F3, the Command Prompt will paste ipconfig /displaydns at the location of the cursor.
d) F4 – It displays a dialog which asks the user to enter the character to delete up to.
Note :- When I pressed F4 in my Command Prompt Window, it showed the dialog box mentioned above, but it did not perform any task, no matter which character I entered.
e) F5 – It pastes the last executed command. When pressed repeatedly, it shows all the commands executed, in the reverse order of execution. Once the oldest command i.e. the command which was the first to be executed in that cmd session has been displayed, pressing the F5 key does nothing.
f) F6 – Pastes ^Z to the command prompt.
g) F7 – It displays a navigable list of previously used commands in the form of a dialog.
h) F8 – It pastes recently executed commands. Please note that it is different from F5 because it keeps cycling the previously used commands.
i) F9 – As mentioned above, the command prompt stores a list of all the executed commands. This list is numbered from 0 to 9. When you press F9, you’re asked to enter the number of the command, which you want to use.
For example, to use the first command, type 0. For using the third command, type 2, and so on.

#9 Drag & Drop a file/folder inside Command Prompt

In #5 above, we mentioned how to use autocomplete in Command Prompt and avoid the messy job of typing the entie location of a file/folder. Here we have something even better. You can just drag a file/folder into the Command Prompt window in order to paste its location in the command prompt window.

#10 Get detailed help for commands whose syntax you don’t know

This is one of those tips you can’t afford to miss. Say, you don’t know what is the syntax of the command diris, or what task it performs. You can easily know all about dir by typing help dir. Similarly, most commands would show their information if you type help <command>.
Take your time to comment on this article.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Best Hacking Apps For Android Phones 2016


AndroRAT stands for Android and RAT (Remote Administrative Tools). This top hacking tool was released a long time ago as a client/server application. The app aims to give you the control of the Android system remotely and fetch the information from it. This Android app runs as a service right after the boot. So, a user doesn’t need to interact with the service. The app provides you the ability to trigger the server connection by a call or SMS.

The features in this useful Android hacking app include collecting information like contacts, call logs, messages, and location. The app also allows you to remotely monitor received message and state of phone, making a phone call and sending texts, taking picture from camera, opening URL in the default browser etc.


Hackode is an Android app which is basically a collection of multiple tools for ethical hackers, IT specialists, and penetration testers. In the app, there are three modules –Reconnaissance, Scanning, Security Feed — available in the application.

With this app, you get the functionalities like Google hacking, SQL Injection, MySQL Server, Whois, Scanning, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, DNS Dif, Security RSS Feed, Exploits etc. It’s a great Android hacking app to start with and it doesn’t ask for your private information to operate.


zANTI is a reputed Android hacking suite from Zimperium. This software suite comes with multiple tools that are widely used for penetration testing purposes. This mobile penetration testing toolkit allows the security researchers to scan a network easily. This toolkit allows the IT administrators to simulate an advanced hacking environment to detect multiple malicious techniques.

zANTI could be called an app that brings the power of Backtrack on your Android device. As soon as you login into zANTI, it maps the entire network and sniffs the websites being visited along with their cookies — thanks to ARP cache poisoning on devices.

The various modules in the app are network mapping, port discovery, sniffing, packet manipulation, DoS, MITM, and more.


FaceNiff is a top Android hacking app that allows you to intercept and sniff your WiFi network traffic. This tool is widely used to snoop into people’s Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites using your Android device. This hacker-favorite tool steals cookies from WiFi network and gives an attacker an unauthorised access to victim’s account.

FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz — the same developer who wrote Firesheep for Firefox hacking on desktop.


Droidsheep is an effective hacking app developed for security analysts interested in playing with Wi-Fi networks. The app has the ability to hijack the web session profiles over a network and it works with almost all services and websites.

As you fire up the Droidsheep app, it acts a router that monitors and intercepts all the Wi-Fi network traffic and fetches the profiles of active sessions. With this app, one can sniff Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media accounts.

DroidSheep Guard, another version of app, helps you to detect ARP-Snoofing on the networks i.e. the attacks by FaceNiff, Droidsheep, and other software.


DroidBox is an app that offers dynamic analysis of Android applications. Using the app, one can get a wide range of results about the hashes for the APK package, network traffic, SMS and phone calls, information leaks via different channels etc.

This top Android hacking application also gives you the ability to visualize the behaviour of an Android app package.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Test your security system

An IT professional, especially a cybersecurity professional at any level of an organization, knows the absolute importance of creating a system that is free from vulnerability and able to work without a cybersecurity threat looming over it. This means that you need to prepare your system against just about everything, and the only way to do that is to know every potential vulnerability.
This is why you need to do a regular (preferably quarterly) cybersecurity checkup that handles every aspect of your network and system. This isn’t necessarily an easy process and will take time and resources, but the complex requirements are well worth the efforts. After doing a checkup, you will be able to better allocate cybersecurity resources and train staff with increased efficiency. It is a vital process for the integrity of your system.
Here are some of the main tests and analyses you will want to make when you are performing a security review of systems for both yourself and your organization:

Double Checking the Basics
Any cybersecurity effort should start with the basics, regardless of the assumptions that you might have about your team or settings. While a professional may have implemented basic tools and measures as part of an initial plan or set of policies regarding the system, those guidelines may not always be followed.
Check on the following to err on the side of caution: check to see if simple firewalls and cybersecurity suites are being used on the system; make sure that the settings of those tools have not been intentionally or unintentionally tampered with; be sure that strong verification measures are being used; ensure strong password use; deploy a VPN for those seeking mobile access to your network.

Penetration Testing
Giving your system a full and professional cybersecurity checkup will involve penetrating testing. While some may associate it with software, your system needs an active test to see if hackers can get in. Your organization is much better off having a friendly hacker access your system files than a trial by fire method of learning.
How you decide to implement penetration testing will depend heavily on the size of your system and the size of your organization. If you have more time than you do resources, it is probably best if you handle it yourself, otherwise it may be best to hire a contractor or firm who specializes in penetration testing.
Web Filtering and Network Protection
A system needs to not only protect any way of getting in the front door, but also make sure that invited guests do not cause any problems. Web filtering is your blacklist, and due to the constantly changing nature of the internet with new threats popping up every day, you can never be certain about what might infect and what might be inappropriate for your system.
At roughly the same time, you should be checking on your network protection settings. As inconvenient as it may be to some, as the person responsible for the system, you cannot tolerate any lax measures. These settings are your way to affect the entire system and organizational behavior without being omnipresent. If you are going to adjust them, err on the side of caution. You can adjust for ease of use later, but if you leave yourself open by erring on the side of convenience, you can find your system under attack.

The Human Factor
When it comes to the day-to-day defense of your systems, you have a lot more to fear from other people and negligent organization members than you do hackers thousands of miles away spending night and day trying to crack your top-notch cybersecurity measures. In fact, human error accounts for the vast majority of data breaches, the numbers often ranging from 80%-90% depending on the study. Hackers know that the weakest person with access to your system is the only thing they need to target.
While a social engineering scan and test might be a part of your penetration test process, a general review of your processes is in order just as much as a review of the technical aspects of cybersecurity. Try to do a double-blind test and see how your organization reacts to a flash drive appearing in a parking lot. Get inside the head of a cyber-criminal and ask yourself how would they manipulate your organization. Every system is different, so tailor training materials and tests to your own needs.

Attack Vector Analysis
Related to the previous sections but deserving of a special mention is performing an attack vector analysis as part of your cybersecurity checkup. While a penetration test will tell you possible breach points, you need to determine where your system is weakest in general and where you need to spend your time. If you see a trend or a major vulnerability in an aspect of your plan, it might inspire you to rewrite that plan to fight against modern threats.
Are people or even specific teams or employees the weakest link in the cybersecurity of your system? As time goes on, these specific measures may change, but the principles of quality and thoroughness in your work will not. The investments of time and energy hackers make into getting the information you need to protect will only increase over time. It is only right that you match that effort with your own vigilance so that your organization does not need to concern itself with an eventual cyber-attack.

Secure Your Computer By Blocking Dangerous IP Automatically

Basically, spying and other critical bots are always online to find out the vulnerability in your computer, there are million of IP’s on the internet that pretends to be safe but in the actual term, they are very dangerous which may steal your valuable files and credentials from your computer.
After buying a computer, securing it from online is the first part, we secure that by using external Anti-Virus or inbuild OS anti-virus but all we know that they really don’t have such techniques to block or detect any dangerous or suspicious IP’s. There are many spy agency across the internet that tries to keep track on users (so be aware of it).
Some software that works same as your windows firewall but additionally they can detect and block dangerous IP address whichever looks like data theft programs or spyware link. The below methods will extend computer high security.
Bot Revolt: This application in your windows computer monitors the connection and the web address to block any spyware IP address the program detects. The software automatically scans in every .002 seconds looking for the suspicious web address and IP address.


  • Monitors file registry, program installation, keyboard and mouse code control, other suspicious behaviour.
  • Monitors all internet connection to block suspicious IP’s
  • The software also displays that who and from where the IP located.
  • The software automatically updates itself each day to protect its users from various new threats.

Follow the steps to Block Suspicious IP address Using Bot Revolt Software:

#1 Download and install Bot Revolt for your Windows PC, You have to provide your name and your email address to get this software for free, (See below)
Bot Revolt
Bot Revolt
#2 Go to your same email account and check the mail for download link provided by Bot revolt, you will download the update package for software Bot Revolt, and downloading might take some time depends on your connection speed.
Bot Revolt
Bot Revolt
#3 The packages you downloaded will track your every connection, the updated package will automatically block the suspicious IP’s. (Follow the software instructions)
Block Suspicious IP
Block Suspicious IP
#4 In this tool users can also switch to incognito mode but only for paid users.
Use Incognito Mode
Use Incognito Mode
After you able to successfully installed and run the software following the instructions then you are fully secure from any inbound suspicious net connection to your computer, even your credentials will be secure on the PC itself.

How To Disable USB Port In Windows No One Can Steal Your Data

Have you ever realised the insecurity whenever your relative or friends use your computer without taking your prior permission? may be yes, because you may have your confidential files and other documents which you really don’t want to open publically.
If you really want to block your USB port in your Windows then you should follow the process and instruction we have provided below, the instruction will lead you, that how can it be possible, you can really block your USB port and later on, you can able to unblock it.

There are three best methods in which you can block your USB port:

1. Block By Changing The Registry
2. Block By Disabling USB Device Manager
3. Block By Uninstalling Your USB Mass Storage Drivers
To Analysis Your Steps On Every Methods! Follow the below instruction in 3 Methods!

#1 Block USB Port By Changing The Registry

In this process you can change your registry value so that you can block your USB port in windows, the process is very simple if you continue to do the same process repeatedly, then you can save your time by doing the setting speedly.
This is one of the first methods that we recommended.
Step1. From your desktop press Windows button + R that is Win+R
Step2. You will be prompt with Run Window and in that Type Regedit
Step3. Soon you will see the window in which you have to follow till the end, go to HIKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CURRENT CONTROL SET -> SERVICE -> USBSTOR
Step4. Within USBSTOR, you will see START at the right side of the window Registry Editor.
Step5. Double Click on START and change the Value Data with 4 to disable your USB port and if you want to enable your USB port then change the value back to 3.
Step6. After changing the value just click on OK and close the Registry Editor.

#2 Block USB Port By Disabling USB Device Manager

We have alternative choices for you, if you tried out the above method and didn’t work then you can use this method, this is the method that will definitely work because you are directly accessing to the USB port managers, from there you can disable all your USB port.
Step1. From desktop, Right Click on My Computer, Select on MANAGE
Step2. You will see a new window and at the top of that window written Computer Management.
Step3. You can see System Tools, from there click on Device Manager.
Step4. On Device Manager find Universal Serial Bus Controllers.
Step5. Right click on every USBC to disable all the drivers.
Note: If you see no changes in your settings then you have to restart your computer.

#3 Block USB Port By Uninstalling Your USB Mass Storage Drivers

This method is really a time taking, because, in this process you need to uninstall all your USB drivers from your windows computer. If you have already used the above methods and didn’t worked – then you are bound to do this method.
In this method the step is same as the above mentioned but there is only change, and that is you don’t have to disable your USB drivers instead of that you have to click on Uninstall on each and every drivers and sooner you will see that all of your drivers from the Device Manager removed and you need to restart your computer to get this thing working properly.
If you have any query in the above mention methods then you can ask by commenting below.

How To Enable Hidden Dark Theme Of Windows 10

In today’s tutorial, we are going to explore Windows 10 secrets because what we found will really amaze you if you are the owner of your Windows 10. This cannot be denied that how Windows 10 default system theme visualises with lots of bright-white but did you know that there is hidden dark theme developed by Microsoft itself.
To get that dark theme you just need to follow the below steps that how really your system Windows 10 hiding the dark theme from you. At the time of your Win 10 purchase you were not being told all these secrets and today the reason of sharing this secret is to make you aware that how wonderful look of this hidden theme is.
In Windows 10 by default, the dark theme is disabled and to do it enable follow all the steps. Firstly it starts from the registry editor, just make sure that you should get each and every steps perfectly.
Step1. From the keyboard press Win+R, and within the Run Command type Regedit.
Run Command type Regedit
Run Command type Regedit
Step2. After Click on OK you will see a new window claiming as Registry Editor and in that navigate: HIKE_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Themes
Right click on the Theme folder and select the option of Create Key, Name that key as Personalize and come to the right side of the panel.
Step3. After creating a Key named Personalize, click on Personalize and come to the right side of that panel, right click on the blank space and then select New -> DWORD Value (32-bit or 64-bit select as per your system specification) and a new DWORD file created.
DWORD file
DWORD file
Step4. The newly created DWORD Value must have a name and for that right click on that and Change the Value Name to AppsUseLightTheme and change the Value Data to 0, and make that Base Hexadecimal as constant.
Step5. You just created a personalize key under HIKE_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Themes | But for now you have to create the same on different location HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Themes -> Personalize
Just follow the same on next location and after completing all the process of creating DWORD file and Personalize key, close Registry Editor and restart your computer, you will see the Dark Theme on your Theme Selection, select your Dark Theme and enjoy the Appearance of Dark World.
All the above process is same but only the location is changed.
If you have any doubt on the steps, feel free to ask using the below comment box.
Source: HowToGeek

How to Change Your DNS to Google DNS for Fast Internet

Google DNS is generally way faster than the broadband services. We have to manually change to Google DNS in order to enjoy the new public DNS offered by Google.  In this guide, we will learn how we can do it with windows OS.

Guide to Change DNS to Google DNS:

To change your DNS to Google DNS or Open DNS all you need to do is edit your network settings which is very easy in windows. Find your active Internet connection. Either from notification area or from My Computer > My network places > Network connections.
Click on Properties > Internet Protocol >TCP/IP and change your settings in “use the Following DNS server ”
The place, where you see settings for “Following DNS server address”, change it to and

That’s it and within second you will be able to start using Google DNS. I find this useful at many places, when your default DNS fails to load any web page and this usually happens with BSNL and MTNL DNS. Also, if you are changing name server of your site, Google or open DNS, replicate the changes faster and you will be able to access site with new settings.
Well, this quick tutorial will help you to get started with new DNS settings instantly. But, in case if you are stuck anywhere, feel free to let me know via comments.

How To Make An Android App Without Any Coding

Developing a mobile application is only a hardcore programmer’s cup of tea once. Later we got hybrid mobile application developing platforms which help web developers like me who are good in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to use their knowledge and build Android applications. So far we have only talked about people who knows a programming language or who can code but what about other people who cannot code?
Well there is a way for those interested individuals and this article is for them.


With web technologies, there are several web services which enable users to create simple mobile applications. As of now, you can’t rely on these web applications to help create complex mobile applications.


Getting started with Nativ is a piece of cake, just sign up for a free account and start using it.
You can start creating a mobile app by choosing a template for the app. After choosing the template you should be presented with a screen with two tabs, Design and Features.
Layout, background image, font and logo can be modified under the design tab. Under the features tab you can select from a list of different streams that can be added to your app. Nativ has streams like facebook, twitter, PDF reader etc. Some streams like WordPress and Chat should be available soon.
Once you have completed your app, you should be able to see a preview on the right side of the screen. When you are finished, click the finish the app button.
By default nativ publishes the app under their own developer account but you can also publish under yours. Push notification features are available only under paid plans.
More info can be found in their faq.

Appy Pie

To get started with Appy Pie, sign up for an account and sign in. Once signed in you should see a link to create a new app.
Creating an app using Appy Pie is a 3 step process:
  1. select a category
  2. build your app
  3. publish.
Start building an app by entering a name and selecting a category. Based on the category it will have some default splash and background images which you can change later.
Once on the second page, you have the options to add pages to your app, style your app and change the app navigation.
appy pie
You can add different pages to your mobile app by clicking on the icons listed below. To customize the look and feel of your app click on the Style & Navigation tab. Styling and navigation options are neatly placed under a single tab and hence accessible.
Once finished with modifying the style and navigation of your mobile app, click on the publish tab to proceed. Based on your subscription plan you should be able to publish to an app store or test the app on your mobile.
Based on your pricing plan you will be able to use Push Notifications, Ads etc. in your mobile apps. You’ll need a developer account to publish to the Apple app store or Google play store.

How To Set Android Like Pattern Lock On Your Windows PC

Till now, Android holds the number one position all over the world in terms of popularity, but if we see for desktop computer market then still Windows OS holds the number one position so we understood how people around the world involved within these two OS, likewise what if we merge some features between Windows And Android? We can guess the circumstances.
Today’s tutorial is just for those users who really want to make Windows computer a bit of Android UI and that can be done by using a maze locker for Windows. Only Windows 10 users are not meant for this application.
Just follow the below instruction to implement it any of your Windows Version XP/Vista/7/8.1
Step1. Download Maze Lock For Windows From Official Site.
Maze Lock For Windows
Maze Lock For Windows
Step2. Install and launch Maze Lock For Windows.
Step3. The Z is default pattern from Maze Lock, click on Reset button.
Step4. Now as per your desire, draw your own lock pattern and repeat that password again to confirm again, also set a backup password for your own security.
draw your own lock pattern
draw your own lock pattern
Step5. Now for your settings on Maze Locker, just click on General Tab and make your setting as per your choice.
General Setting Maze Locker
General Setting Maze Locker
At windows startup, your computer will be locked if you have selected Autolock ON, there are several interesting modes you can do, for example; Autolock computer after minutes, Turn Off Monitor After, Autohide unlock window after, disconnect internet when locked after, alert after entering incorrect pattern over.

How to Display Your Android Mobile Screen to Window PC

In today’s generation, we know that every 2/3rd person having an Android smartphone but many of them still unaware of the features in their smartphone like today we are sharing an interesting trick through which you can transfer your Android screen to your Windows, Mac and Linux computer.
Android is also like an open source, you can mod with your Android (Void Warranty from Google After mod) and can do many alterations but as we all know that not every people know all the tricks of Android so today’s trick is very simple just need to focus on your Computer instructions alone with your Android device instruction to complete the task.

There are two methods in which you are able to share your Android screen to your computer.

#1 Using of an application on your Android as well as on your computer which is called Allcast and Allcast Receiver respectively.
#2 Another application is Teamviewer QuickSupport and TeamViewer for your smartphone and computer respectively.
SO how can you apply these two methods to share your smartphone screen with your computer? See the below steps!


Step1: Download and install AllCast Application from Google Play store to your Android device.
Allcast App on your android
Allcast App on your android
Step1: Download and Install AllCast Receiver extension for your computer’s Google Chrome Browser from Google Chrome App Store.
AllCast Receiver extension
AllCast Receiver extension
Step3: Download and install Mirror Beta on your computer from Google Play store.
install Mirror Beta
install Mirror Beta
Step4: After all application downloaded, just open AllCast Receiver from your Google Chrome Extension, Located under the drop-down menu of your Chrome and you can see extension option under More Tools. Enable your AllCast receiver extension.
Step5: Open your Mirror Beta follow the instruction.
Step6: Open your AllCast on your Android and it will connect to your chrome browser automatically.
Open your AllCast on your Android
Open your AllCast on your Android


The most popular application for the computer as well as a smartphone is TeamViewer, millions of the computer users still use Teamviewer to remote control another computer, but today we can use this application to remote control our smartphone from a computer as well as we can screencast our device – playing games.
Step1: Download and install Android application TeamViewer QuickSupport from Google Play Store.
Android application TeamViewer QuickSupport
Android application TeamViewer QuickSupport
Step2: Now download and install TeamViewer on your computer.
install TeamViewer on your computer
install TeamViewer on your computer
Step3: Open your Android TeamViewer and copy your ID.
TeamViewer and copy your ID
TeamViewer and copy your ID
Step4: Paste your ID on your computer TeamViewer application.
Paste your ID on your computer
Paste your ID on your computer
Step5: Now see your smartphone you will be prompt to remote support your Android device, click on Allow. All done now you can see your smartphone screen on your computer.
prompt to remote support your Android device
prompt to remote support your Android device
You can play games on your smartphone and the visualisation will be displayed on your computer screen, Car racing games are more recommended.
If you have any doubt, you can leave your queries in below comment box.

How To Recover Deleted Files From Your Computer

What happen when we delete our valuable files mistakenly, there are two ways or we can say two types of computer users, one – who use only delete button and others who delete files by pressing Shift+Delete, The simple delete button stores your deleted files on Recycle Bin but when we press Shift+Delete then our computer command to delete or wipe out the file entirely from the computer.
So what are the possible ways that we can recover our deleted files? Using the simple delete button helps you to recover your deleted file from Recycle Bin but you unable to recover those files when you delete using Shift+Delete.
Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin
when you press Shift+Delete, there are only two ways to recover your deleted files, that is The backup plan and the other is recovery tools!
The Backups:
The most convenient way to get your files back is to start backing up all your hard drives, in future whenever you face any circumstances related to your lost files then this backup plan will help you to achieve that!
When you have backup programs then you don’t have to worry about your lost data just look on the application and start recovery mode to get your files back.
The Application For your Windows Computer That recover all your deleted files:
Recover my files
Recover my files
This windows program helps you to recover all your deleted files from Windows Recycle Bin, due to the system failure or unexpected system shutdown you may lose some of the important working files from your hard drive, but this software recover your files, just follow the below steps to start managing your computer to avoid any future files loss.

How to use Recover My Files?

#1 Download the software Recover My Files.
#2 After download and installation open that application, you will be prompt to select any two option, Recover Files Or Recover a Drive. (Select as per your need)
Recover files and Recover a Drive
Recover files and Recover a Drive
#3 If you select the option Recover Files then you will be asked for drive location to search on a particular drive for your deleted files.
select the drive
select the drive
#4 Now just select Search for deleted files and click on Start. (Wait for the application to report you the result)
Search for deleted files
Search for deleted files
#5 The search result will display you all the deleted files and you just have to unhide all your protected files to get the files restored as well as to locate the given path of all those particular deleted recovered files.
wait for few second
wait for few second
#6 Once you given the path of the files then you can see all your files in the same folder and later you can transfer to your original folder.
unhide the protected files in windows
unhide the protected files in windows
So the above solution is attempted because you have deleted all these files by only pressing the delete button but what else do we have in the alternative? let’s have a look!

#1 Pandora Recovery

Pandora Recovery
Pandora Recovery
This application basically used for hardware recovery, this application helps to recover files from hard drive, USB, Network drives, etc. The application is quite simple to use, just following the wizard instruction to recover deleted files.

#2 Test Disk

Test Disk
Test Disk
If you are suffering from the lost partition on your hard disk then this is the application which helps to make it recover, this application also helps to non-bootable drive by making bootable again, This application is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

#3 Recuva

Recuva is most popular file recovery tool, Windows users are the prime user of this application, this powerful application also helps users by providing it’s clean and user-friendly interface.

#4 Restoration

This application works only on FAT and NTFS drives but also some digital cameras cards, it can recover deleted files from all such drives having the FAT and NTFS format.

#5 Reclaim Me

Reclaim Me
Reclaim Me
This application is compatible with Windows(FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, ReFS file format), Linux(EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 and XFS file format) and mac(HFS, HFS+, and UFS file format), this application popularly known for its user interface, its clean and manageable to make continues practice.