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Sunday, 31 July 2016
Learn How Elliot from Mr. Robot Hacked into His Therapist's New Boyfriend's Email & Bank Accounts (Using Metasploit)
In Mr robot there was a time, we saw Elliot using social
engineering to gain access to his therapist's boyfriend's email and bank
accounts by calling him and pretending to be someone from his bank,
then Elliot asked him for some info that were really useful to gain
access to his account, the target believed to be someone from the bank
and gave him the info Elliot was looking for.
But How Is It in the Real World?
information about a target remotely is easy, but learning about the
person behind the screen is important too. You can't always gather that
information by just googling or using website offering info about people
or institutions, sometimes you have to get this info directly from the
user,in the real world, Bazzell said, most breaches we hear about start
with social engineering. He said they usually occur through a malicious
email or by tricking an employee, so this is what are we going to learn
What Are We Going to Do?
i'm going to show you how you can trick an employee to give you all the
info to successfully hack the company, using metasploit and softphone.
Introduction about SIP and voip
to its increasing reliability and accessibility, in recent years,
internet telephony technology has become a plausible choice for many
businesses, allowing them to cut down on their communication costs
whilst enjoying a rich communication experience.
SIP and VoIP
provide the foundations for IP technology. Both technologies provide
ample benefits and opportunities for the user to save money whilst
increasing their productivity. Each protocol has pros and cons, and they
are often used together.
All of us were already at least once in
life been in an office, and we noticed the presence of one or more
landline telephones, mainly in the area of customer service, but these
days most companies no longer use those landline telephones, instead
companies have adapted the use of ip phones (SIP,VOIP), which are
sometimes free(SKYPE) and can be accessed anywhere in the world , all
you need is the public SIP address that follows you much like your email
address would. It doesn't really matter where you are or what device
you use; as long as you're logged in (registered), SIP communications
will be redirected to your current location.
Initiation Protocol, (SIP), is a powerful and efficient communications
protocol which can be used to send multimedia messages to multiple
parties - allowing people around the world to communicate over the
internet using their computers and mobile devices
Voice over IP
(VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of
voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP)
networks, such as the Internet.
For more info about these protocols you can google it in case you don't understand them.
this example we are going to use google as target company, but you
could change google to the name or domain of your target company or
entity, Softphone as our voip phone also called ip phone, and metasploit
to create a fake SIP invite request making the targeted device ring and
display fake caller id information, because in the real world users
would believe only trusted caller(But for some people you dont even need
all this process).
Before we start a softphone is a software
program for making telephone calls over the Internet using a general
purpose computer, rather than using dedicated hardware. The softphone
can also be installed on a piece of equipment such as a workstation,
portable computer, tablet or even a cellphone and allows the user to
place and receive calls without requiring an actual telephone set, at
its available for linux too, enough theory for today fire up your kali
linux and download softphone
apt-get install sflphone-gnome As you can see from the below pic, i have already downloaded the softphone, skip it in case you have it too.
yo done downloading you can access the softphone by navigating through
applications--->usual applications--->internet and you will see
the softphone installed there, just click on the icon to open it(lol i
bet you already know how to open programs).
you open it for the first time, you will be prompted with a screen like
the one below, for now just set everything as below and click next
Now when you get the phone on your screen go to edit-->accounts---> and choose "ip2ip" click on edit and choose advanced
network interface choose your network interface and leave the port as
default, in my case i'm using eth0 as interface, you can choose any.
For now we are done configuring our ip phone.
The Hack
We will be using metasploit to hack our softphone, this is intended for users that knows how to use metsploit.
module we will use will create a fake SIP invite request making the
targeted device ring and display fake caller id information.
The commands: msfconsole use auxiliary/voip/sip_invite_spoof
To see the options(please don't copy it, its not a command simply to economize time)
Understanding the Module
DOMAIN is the sip domain, in our case as we will be working locally, we
can just skip it, it could be something like google, wonderhowto or any
other as long they have a sip domain.
The EXTENSION is the target
identity inside the network, record for SIP does the same thing as a
mail exchange record for email,lets say the sip domain is google, the
extension of a target could be something like voice.john@google.com
The MSG is the spoofed caller id to send in our case we will pretend we are from the it department of google
The RHOSTS is the target ip, in my case my softphone is installed in my localhost with the ip
SRCADDR is the spoof call sip address, in our case it will be
voice.admin@google.com, to make the target(employee fro google in our
case) thinking that its coming from google it department.
When we
run it we will receive a call apparently coming from google it
department, but it was just a spoofed identity as we can see from the
below pic.
course its rare for you to get it working on google, but if you can try
in some other companies or entities, all you need is just their voip ip
address or you can just be in the same network and scan for ip with the
following open ports : 5060, 5070, 10000-65535 default ports for a lot
of voip services.
You can see that our softphone use the port 5060
thing you could do as well is to send an invitation over all the ip on
the network, you just need to set the RHOSTS to a range of the ip on the
target network in my case it could be
it finds an ip running sip on 5060 it then send an invitation as you
can see from the above pic, this time we send an invitation over the
What Now? How Can I Get Someones Email, or Bank Account Passwords with This?
its all about social engineering, once the user accepts the call use
your best to trick him to give the info you are looking for.
our example using google you could say that you are recently working on
some new security app for google employees and would like to update
employee's data, with more time you can figure out exactly what to say
to gain access of their account, because they will think you are working
in the it department of google, they might or not give you info, but
its all about good talking.
like Elliot did, we could call to the target bank and pretend we are
from It department and we would like to get some info about an user(our
target) and so on...
Thats all for now, if i did mistake any thing
or you would like to add your opinion, such as how you would trick the
employee you are welcome...
see you soon and happy hacking... Also See :- How To Install Linux On Your Android Without Rooting
Also See :- Deploy a Keylogger From a USB Flash Drive Quickly
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